Orihuela Costa Spain ( Incorporating Rod N Reels angling club )
A five day fishing festival was organised by Bill Reade at the above complex and consisted mainly of anglers from the local clubs, with anglers from Abbey Anglers, Rod N Reels and Carp R us all taking part. Before the festival anglers allocated days that they intended to fish, so no overall winner was crowned. Here are the results of the five days.
Monday 23rd
1st Neil McBernie 51.26kg also Section win
2nd Terry Brindley 29.64kg also Section win
3rd Danny Kerkhof 24.92kg also Section win
PAIRS 1st Neil Mc Bernie & Tony Macmillan 57.88kg
2nd Terry Brindley & Alan Sm 47.14kg
Tuesday 24th
1st Ian Brown 45.68kg
2nd Terry Brindley 37.76kg
3rd Danny Kerkhof 30.64kg
Section Winners…Ian Brown & Lenny Bolton
PAIRS 1st Terry Brindley & Danny Kerkhoff 68.40kg
2nd Ian Brown & Jackie Breslin 67.92kg
Wednesday 25th
1st Bill Reade 50.70kg
2nd Terry Brindley 17.86kg
3rd Neil Macbirne 15.52kg
Section Winners Mick Hill / Alan Smith / Terry Brindley /
Lenny Bolton / Bill Reade.
PAIRS 1st Bill & Danny 58.30kg
2nd Lenny Bolton & Richard Wood 27.42kg
Thursday 26th
1st Danny Kerkhof 39.62kg also section win
2nd Lenny Bolton 29.76kg also section win
3rd Bill Reade 19.50kg
PAIRS 1st Danny & Lenny 69.38kg
2nd Bill Reade &Bill Cannon 34.56kg
Friday 27th
1st Lenny Bolton 28.92kg
2nd Mick Hill 24.64kg
3rd Ian Brown 23.16kg
Section Winners Ian Brown / Lenny Bolton / Mick Hill / Bill Reade / Geoff Tempest
PAIRS 1st Ian Brown & Mick Hill 47.80kg
2nd Terry Brindley & Lenny Bolton 38.86kg
All matches were fished on pegs 17 to 40 and the total weight caught was 951kg.
At the end of the match a great barbecue was organised by the owner of the complex Pepe and a great festival was had by all.
Massive thanks go out to Bill Reade who did a great job in organising the festival.
Latest comments
29.11 | 20:00
Just turn up at el bosquet and they will let you join the club
29.11 | 10:35
Dear, at the end of March I had very pleasant conversations with Terry Screen on El Bosquet. I stay very close from 15/01 to 06/04/23 and would like to join your clubs to be able to fish on Tue and W
28.11 | 20:23
How far are the fishing waters from Benidorm
14.11 | 16:49
Thanks very much, Steve