Orihuela Costa Spain ( Incorporating Rod N Reels angling club )
14th Jan 2022
Richard King (Chairman/President)Terry Screen (Vice president) Alice Shipley, Mick Hill (Treasurer)Richard Wood (Deputy treasurer) Ian Brown (Secretary) Trevor Howard, Graham Patterson, Keith Hirst. Nick Bastock
No apologies for absence
The minutes of last years AGM were read and approved
Chairman's report
Richard said that it had been a funny year once again with covid restrictions etc but match attendances were at an all-time high. He once again thanked Alice and Terry for their service to the club and also made reference to the members that we had lost during the past year
Secretary's report
Ian confirmed that we should have 36 fed members and 45 members for the coming year. All monies had been collected and he would be liaising with mick and the fed money would be sent off over the weekend via bank transfer.He also said that no proposals to any rule changes had been recieved, therfore the rules for the coming year would remain the same.
Financial report
Mick Hill confirmed that the club funds were in good order and that he would publish the balance sheet at the next meeting after the fed fees had been paid.
Election of officials and Committee
All current officials were re-elected and Nick Bastock was added to the committee
Graham Patterson suggested that we should look into amalgamating with Rods N Reels after a lengthy discussion it was agreed that Ian would liase with Bill Reade re trying to sort this out for 2023.
Ian Brown raised the issue of the toilets at el bosquet and it was concluded that we ask the fishery to install a working toilet.
Next AGM 15TH JAN 2023 1PM
Meeting closed at 2.30pm
Latest comments
29.11 | 20:00
Just turn up at el bosquet and they will let you join the club
29.11 | 10:35
Dear, at the end of March I had very pleasant conversations with Terry Screen on El Bosquet. I stay very close from 15/01 to 06/04/23 and would like to join your clubs to be able to fish on Tue and W
28.11 | 20:23
How far are the fishing waters from Benidorm
14.11 | 16:49
Thanks very much, Steve